My Media Studies Blog. Enjoy :)

Friday 26 November 2010

Animatic and Audience Feedback

After finishing the animatic, everyone in the class got to peer assess and mark each others work.  The computers around the room each had a different animatic on, so we went round and watched everyone's in turn.

Below in my first version of my animatic:

We where marked on the following sections, each out of 10
  • Range of shot types & editing transitions
  • Appropriate pace & content for genre
  • Position & order of titles
  • Introduction of story line
  • Clearly an opening sequence
  • Use of sound
Overall, I had very good feedback to my opening sequence, however one thing really stood out for my targets was the choice of music.  

  • "the music sounds like a country western"
  • "the music at the start confuses things a little"
  • "music choice is really bad"
Other constructive targets I got were;
  • "experiment with more shot types"
  • "use some different angles"
  • "quicker shots to build the tension"
  • "faster pace"
Taking all of these helpful comments on board, I am going to change my animatic slightly.  The things I will aim to do are:
  • add more shots
  • add more transitions
  • speed up the tempo of the shots
  • change the music
  • have the opening sequence and differently (I think it might look too much like a trailer)

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