My Media Studies Blog. Enjoy :)

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Filming and Lessons Learnt

So after stressing out because of re filming some shots, we ended up re filming the whole thing! Our original actors where unavailable, so we found two others and used them instead.  It had to be filmed in about twenty minutes, which it was, because my partner and the actors had to get a bus.  I've uploaded the footage onto the Mac, and I'm really happy with what we got.  There area couple of shots where the blind goes from being open in some to being closed in the other, but there is nothing we can do about that now.  Apart from that, I think we've fulfilled the brief and I think that when it is all edited, it will come together really well.
I have defiantly learnt valuable lessons in this process, and will try not to make the same mistakes in my coursework  .
One: To always check the footage before I go back to the class room.  I'm so lucky that I had enough time to re shoot the entire thing.  If I hadn't I don't know what I would have done.
Two: To make sure that I understand and read the brief very carefully before going out to film.  I thought that I had read it all, but missed a crucial part about the character sitting down.  In the re shot version, I made sure that we got that footage from a couple of different angles, just to be on the safe side.
Three: That in my coursework, I should shoot everything at least three times to be completely certain I have the best quality of footage from that shot.  I found that because today's re shoot was rather rushed, things could have been done better and to a better standard.  However, considering we only had less than half an hour, what we got was good.
All in all, I think that when it comes to filming for the coursework, I will much more careful in careful in deciding what I film and wear.  This process has been useful in making me realise that I need to always film more footage, and that I need to leave enough time to get all my filming finished.  It has also taught me that I need to be a little more organised.  

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