My Media Studies Blog. Enjoy :)

Saturday 30 October 2010


So I had a really strange dream last night that has somehow morphed into an idea for an opening sequence.  It goes a little like this:
There is a family at a Fair, having fun, eating candy floss, enjoying the rides, usually family Fair stuff.  Then, the youngest child goes missing.  Nobodies really too worried at the moment, "how far could he have gone?".  So they begin to search, shouting out his name, asking people if they've seen him.  Cut to an hour later, it's starting to get a little dark and a few police officers on duty are beginning to call for back up when suddenly a blood-curling scream is heard.  It's the mother, she's in the house of mirrors.  The police rush in and find the mother on the floor, clutching her dead son.  On every mirror there is blood. 
shot is of a mask by the boy's body.
A Fair similar to this would be ideal
I was thinking this could be quite effective, as I could build on the idea of panic and suspense.  However, there would be a few problems with this.
One: Where would I get a fair? I would need to find where one is taking place and film there.  This could be tricky as it is winter, and not all Fair's would have a house of mirrors.
Two: The death of a small child would be quite difficult to film, not least because they would have to stay very still.  There is also the issue of showing dead children.  Although the idea would be good, I'm not sure I would feel 100% comfortable with it. 

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