My Media Studies Blog. Enjoy :)

Monday 4 October 2010

The Storyboard Process

Like in all filmed coursework, before we start filming it's really important that we have a storyboard to film our shots from.  This not only makes us more organised and know what shot's we are filming, but also allows us to go through the process that professionals in the media 'world' go through. 
The storyboard is made by drawing our shots onto paper, and writing down the timings, shots types and a brief description of what goes on in each shot.  The storyboard is then created into an animatic, with timings of each shot added, as well as any music, voice overs and transitions we need. 
Below is the animatic my partner and I created.

180˚ Rule: Used in all shots.
Shot/Reverse Shot: Used in shots sixteen and seventeen.
Match-on-Action: Used in shots eight, nine, ten and eleven.
Eye Line Match: Used in shots three, six, seven, eighteen and nineteen.

There are a few more close-up shots I would like to add to the storyboard and animatic, as I feel these would help convey the emotions in a more effective way.  These can be easily added once we start filming, as they are not complex shots and would not take much extra time to complete. 

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