My Media Studies Blog. Enjoy :)

Monday 4 October 2010

My Interpretation of the Brief

We were given the brief of a task we where asked to carry out, while trying to show different continuity techniques of filming.  These techniques are; 180° rule, shot/reverse shot, match-on-action and eye line match.  Each of these techniques are cleverly used to make the piece of footage look like it one continuous 'flow', hence the name continuity editing

The aim of this rule is to only use the camera on one 'half' of the scene.  The line seen in the video below acts as an invisible divider.  If the camera were to cross that line, the audience would become confused as eye-lines would not meet.

Shot/Reverse Shot:
This technique is used when two characters are talking with one another.  It usually shows one character looking at the other character, sometimes off screen, then the other character looks back.  Because the characters are looking in opposite directions, we assume that they are looking at each other.

This is used to show one action happening from more than one angle.  It is often used with people walking through doors and picking up an object.

Eye line Match:
The use of this technique allows the audience to see what the character sees.  The technique begins with the character looking at something off-screen, and it then cuts to the object the character is looking at.

We choose to do a simple story line, in order to focus on the techniques.

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