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Thursday 9 December 2010

Advancement in Titles

I have made a couple of advancements and alterations in terms of my titles.  I have decided to put all titles on a black background, making them look more professional.  I have also started to make the titles for the names of my actors/actresses. 

I have been playing around with the font size of these titles, as I am not 100% sure which size works best.  The larger font size looks the best from my point of view, but then again I don't know if it looks too big...

Although I am unsure on the final positioning of the these titles (below), I am 
really liking the idea of having them on alternate sides.  I think this makes them look slightly different, however I know from my research into the opening sequences of horror films, it is more of a convention for the titles to be in the centre of the screen.

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