My Media Studies Blog. Enjoy :)

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Editing, again!

After another session of editing, I have now edited 1:53 of my opening sequence

I am now in the closing stages of editing, but there are a few shots that I am unhappy with.

In this shot of the telephone ringing, I can see a shadow of the outside of my glasses in the top left-hand corner.  This has really irritated me, as apart from that fault, the shot is a good one - the text 'withheld' is clear and easily visible to the audience.  However, having asked several people in my class, they have said they cannot tell what it is a shadow is, and does not draw away from final effect of the shot.

This is another shot that I am unhappy with.  It is clear that it is not straight, and I do not feel that I can use it in my opening sequence.  I have two options on what I can do to fix this problem: 1) Either re-film this shot at the weekend or 2) see if I can make the opening sequence work without this shot.  It was not a crucial shot for the story-line, therefore I think I can alter the order of the shots and it not make a great difference.  
We have a couple of lessons left before the first edit has to be in, so I have to finish of the editing :)

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