My Media Studies Blog. Enjoy :)

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Editing completed! (for now at least)

After a lesson of solid editing, I have now finished the first edit of my opening sequence!
I will export the film tomorrow, so it will hopefully be on youtube tomorrow evening.  After this, I will blog about the audience feed back I receive.  This feed back from my target audience will allow me to improve my opening sequence, and make any changes necessary. 

I have added effects to all of my titles, and I think they look great :)

For the production company 'Light Feather Films' I wanted a feather effect or background to link in with the name.  Luckily, I found an effect on LiveType called 'float' which, as the name suggests, creates a floating effect as the words fall down.  I think this title looks more professional than it did before, and it was nice to play around with the effects.  

As the other production companies had effects and looked more advanced, I decided to do the same for 'Chat Noir Studios'.  Using LiveType again, I found an effect called 'Snake Charmer'.  I think this effect works really well, as it gives the title a little bit of excitement.   

Overall, I am really happy with my titles and think they enhance quality of my opening sequence

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